Pagan people especially the celts interpreted time in a circular or cyclical way. Their calendars considered not only the solar cycle, like ours, but also the lunar cycle. Originating from the tradition of the celtic people the well-known sabbats occur eight times each year taking the position of the Earth in relation to the Sun: the equinoxes and solstices.
Brazilian author Jana Perla today writes a series of short stories. Each edition takes place during a period of sabbats and so that your readers could better visualize this passage of time we created our version of the Wheel of the Year.
Brazilian author Jana Perla today writes a series of short stories. Each edition takes place during a period of sabbats and so that your readers could better visualize this passage of time we created our version of the Wheel of the Year.
Author: Jana Perla
Illustration: Rosa Aguiar
Book Cover Design: Banners da Viih